Click on the radio-listen to your free "shows" preview (dont miss Billy 'Silly' Connolly's bit)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
2013 Feb14:-NEW- LISTEN HERE NOW-TO GLENN STECKLING-HEAD OF THE ADAMSKI FOUNDATION-ON 'THE SWEEPS FOX SHOW'- Click to listen 2015 JULY 22:-NIALL BOYLAN SHOW 4FM-TALKING STEPHEN HAWKING-SEARCH FOR ET COMPATABLE PLANETS-SHORT SHOW-HOSTED BY 'MIKE' INSTEAD OF NIALL Click here to listen 2015 May26:- NIALL BOYLAN SHOW-Talking UFO's Military Intelligence-INSIDERS VS PEDESTRIANS-LISTENER CALL INS Click here to listen 2013 Feb14:- The 'David Harvey Show' 4FM-'Sweeps' talks with Listeners-discussion about diverse UFO topics & the March 'PROBE U.K. International Paranormal/UFO Conference where 'Sweeps' is speaking. Lots of new information about Irish 'SKIES'. Enjoy and have a listen/'S' Click here to listen 2012 May2:- 'Sweeps' on 'THE LATE SHOW' with Niall Boylan about Military Intelligence, UFO's in Ireland, Phone calls from listeners, the Multi-Verse, Alien Species, 'Insiders' who know-Whistleblowers, and much more. Have a free Listen/download. Thanks/'S' 2011 Apr 21:- 'Sweeps' on 4FM with David Harvey discussing UFO's/abductions and the Probe Conference 'GHOST' which was Filmed in the audience. Enjoy the listening/'S' CLICK HERE 2011 Feb 22:- We are putting up HERE 'Charlie Hall's 'TALL WHITES'...all 3 of our interviews with him, due to the now high interest and the fact that more people are coming forth as having 'seen them' and had encounters with them and their 'Scout Ships. So. the 3 'Sweeps' Fox shows are now needed for FREE LISTENING to educate folks about this Reality and what it means to 'Disclosure. Thanks...'take it all in' and get prepared/'Sweeps' Click on the links below:
2010 Jan 23:- IRISH PARANORMAL CONVENTION-Highlights Of 'Sweeps' Fox Talk-enjoy/'S' click here to listen 2009 Dec 02:-'Sweeps' with Gareth of 4FM Dublin...taling about the Bulgarian Scientists claiming UFO's/ET's are Here NOW, and studying World Wide 'Crop Cicles' for their symbolism/significance. Have a listen/get informed/enjoy/'Sweeps' click here to listen 2009 Nov 12:- 'Sweeps' Talks on Dublin Radio 4FM With Gareth about the 'Vatican UFO/ET Conference and what this means-will make you all start thinking about 'UFO Disclosure' and how the ET presence has been Hidden from the World's People by ALL the Social Institutions. Click here to Listen mp3 2009 Sep 21:- 'LISBON TREATY TALK' BY 'Sweeps'-Find out how to Save Ireland and other nation states in europe from a Federalized Europe. Why Vote NO? 2008 Mar 25:- 'SETH' HANIEL INTERVIEW/BY 'SWEEPS'...Deja Vu, UFO's, Out of Body experiences, Abductions,'Mystic Poetry', Ancient Egypt, & Synchonisities. 'Sweeps' also condemns the Irish Gov't....M3 roadway-'Save The Hill Of Tara'/Squeak. A great Show-one to remember 2007 Nov 25:- Alfred Webre-Exopolitician-from Vancouver, Canada…talks with ‘Sweeps’ about the role of ‘Exo-Politics’ opening up people’s consciousness to decades of hidden contacts with Extra-Terrestrials/cum Government Secret Liaisons with specific ET Species…and how this ‘Secrecy’ will effect our lives, and in which ways. Come along…learn how ‘not knowing’ is detrimental to your futures. 2007 Nov 20:- CHARLIE HALL ‘OF THE TALL WHITES’ 3- ON ‘THE SWEEPS FOX SHOW’- Charlie Hall has just published his 4th Book…’After Hours’…of the ‘Millennial Hospitality’ Series. Here, he gives a lot more Confirmation/Science/In depth details/revelations of U.S. Military Liaison with Extra-Terrestrials for decades. Click here to listen its free 2007 Nov 08:- DAVID SEREDA talks with 'Sweeps' about his Books and Films'Singularity'-'From Here To ANDROMEDA'-'Unplugged on UFO's' and his coming Film 'The Voice'Time to KNOW what UFO's/ET's are, and how we've all been kept in the Dark... Fascinating talk folks. 2007 Apr 23:-
LAUGHLIN UFO CONGRESS-CONFERENCE SHOW’ 2006 Dec. 10:- NICK POPE-THE BRITISH MINISTRY OF DEFENSE HEAD OF UFO INVESTIGATIONS...TALKS TO 'SWEEPS' ABOUT THE 'REALITY'/RESEARCHING OF UFO's/ET's & his role in the Rendlesham-Bentwaters confirmation of a UFO Landing...many confirmation reports. A don't miss far ranging Show & very insightful chat with Nick/'S' 2006 Dec 01:- RYAN WOOD-AUTHOR OF ‘MAJIC EYES ONLY’ - EARTH’S ENCOUNTERS WITH ALIEN TECHNOLOGY - *TALKING WITH ‘SWEEPS’ ABOUT HIS RECENT UFO CONFERENCE IN FLORENCE, ITALY….HIS BEST SELLING BOOK…AND THE RESEARCHING OF MAJESTIC 12 DOCUMENTS. LOTS OF SURPRISING CHAT ABOUT OUR ‘BOXED’ REALITY AND THE POWER AND CONTROL OVER US. A GREAT LISTEN FOLKS* 2006 Nov 21:- UFO CRASH AT SAN AUGUSTIN-NEW MEXICO U.S.A. 'Sweeps' talks with ART CAMPBELL...the investigator/researcher/and Author of the Book about it. Incredible evidence, and bringing up many other relevant UFO/ET matters-people should know about./'S' 2006 Oct 21:- Glennys McKay-National Director/MUFON-Australia...Spiritualist/Healer, & ET Contactee from an early age...talks with 'Sweeps' about her career/Near Death experiences, and a whole range of Paranormal/anamolous happenings. Much more This is a real treat folks/'S' 2006 Oct 14:- 'Sweeps' on BBC RADIO-Haunted House/Poltergeist investigation & He talks with Warren Coates-NIPRA-Northern Ireland Paranormal Research Association-Ghosts and 'The Spirit research techniques into invisible worlds...what is 'Reality'? ##DON'T MISS...'Our' Shows with Janet Colli-'Sacred Encounters' and Esen Sekerkarah-Ufology/Exopolitics in Turkey 2006 Sept 27:- A.J. GEVAERD-EDITOR 'BRAZILLIAN UFO MAGAZINE' & UFO/ET RESEARCHER FOR OVER 22 YEARS...GET THE LATEST...AND ALL THE FUN/MISHAPS DOING THIS INTERVIEW. WE EVEN GIVE YOU THE 'OUT TAKES'. BE A 'FLY ON THE WALL' 2006 Sept 15th:- MARY RODWELL-INTERVIEW
ON ‘THE SWEEPS FOX SHOW’ 2006 Sept. 8th/9th:-Check
out the Latest 'Sweeps' Fox-Radio Shows 2006 August 29:- Get 'into' the NEW REALITY INSIGHTS...with Michael Talbot, introduced by 'Sweeps', and learn about the implication of 'The Holographic Universe' for our world view. Is our 'One World solid reality view' of any credibility? it a phantasm. This will change ALL your perspectives/polarities...forever. You'll never be the same* 2006 August 26:- EUGENIA MACER STORY - Interview. A woman with a difference. Eugenia straddles both the world of ‘everyday/work a day’ life cum Academia…and that of ‘The Supernatural’. Playwright, Poetess, and Author…with documented ‘Ghostly encounters’, spirit photography, UFO experiences, and a metaphysical life style. 2006 August 11:- YVONNE SMITH OF ‘CERO’-INTERVIEW ON ‘THE SWEEPS FOX SHOW’ **both windows media player and mp3 download** 2006 July 28:- DESMOND LESLIE/the legend: 1921 TO 2001-OF CASTLE LESLIE/IRELAND. PIONEER ‘UFOLOGIST’ - HE WROTE ‘FLYING SAUCERS HAVE LANDED’- find out all about this great man & his connection with "Sweeps" Fox/Col. Philip Corso. Also a short fun interview with Ben Reel/Band 2006 July 21:- JAMES GILLILAND-INTERVIEW ON ‘THE SWEEPS FOX SHOW’ Get James rebuttal to Michael Horn/Billy Meier "Clan"...& learn about his volume of UFO's sightings 2006 July 18:- ‘THE SWEEPS FOX SHOW’-RADIO IRELAND…IS PROUD to help the campaign to save irish heritage-and support the protestors to save "The Hill of Tara". Click here to listen to our Public Service Broadcast save 'TARA' show OUR FREEBIE 2006 July 10 :- MICHAEL HORN ‘THEY
FLY’- INTERVIEW-ON ‘THE SWEEPS FOX SHOW’ **Become a VIP Member…and get
ALL the ‘Sweeps Fox Shows’. |